Disconnecting to Re-Discover Life

I had intended to share another’s well-written post about how the explosive growth of social media has led to more actual disconnect in our lives, but the text wasn’t copied. 
So I’ll jot down my own thoughts. They may not be expressed in a way that as many people will relate to, but here they are. 
We sit in chairs, stretch out on sofas, lay across beds and stare, seemingly emotionless, at screens whilst online profiles are becoming more important than our real-life presence. Instead of yo-yos, balls, and little metal cars, children stay glued to tablets and iPhones and grow soft and inattentive to the here and now. 
Our own, real selves are so beautiful, so deserving of attention, and we have so much to share. The sharing of it makes life livable. Yet the exponential growth of social media platforms slowly drains the life from our authentic selves. 
Life is no popularity contest. In the end, how many virtual “friends” or “likes” we have is of little importance compared to our souls. 

I am not here to slam all uses of social media. As one who lives with agoraphobia and crushing depression, sometimes it is the only way I can connect. Yet there must be balance.  

Face-to-face and hand in hand is natural, best. We are all doing the best we can, and social media just doesn’t always get that across, you see. 

So check your online profile, and write a new blog post. Just don’t forget to reach out in real life to others and, perhaps most importantly, to yourself. 

This entry was posted in Blog.

25 comments on “Disconnecting to Re-Discover Life

  1. bravingmentalillness says:

    Hi! I think your blog is wonderful. It’s creative, honest, and educational. I agree, there has to be a balance in all forms of communication. Excess in anything can be detrimental to one’s wellbeing. Looking forward to reading more. Happy New Year 🎆😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Maria Holm says:

    It’s so true what you wrote here in this post Pamela. It’s so easy to fall onto the ditch that the “online life” is more important than real life.
    We should treat ourselves like good parents treat their children and put up rules and boundaries to restrict the use of the internet. It’s hard to be so tough on ourselves unfortunately


  3. Oh, my WP site is on “private”, but if you’d like to follow my site you can click on my username and it should take you to a page to request access.

    I love making new friends on WP! I’ve been here since Feb 2012. 🙂
    Carolyn 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Pamela says:

      Yes, I saw that and wanted to ask you for permission. I shall do so now. Thank you! Yes, it’s good to connect with others here in WP. I very much appreciate you reaching out. Sometimes I’m not so good at that…

      Liked by 1 person

      • You should be able to get on my site now to read and comment.

        I mostly blog things from my life that I hope will make people smile or laugh. 🙂

        Sometimes I post stories or poems I’ve written.

        I look forward to getting to know you!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Pamela says:

        Thank you. I’ve written about many subjects, from Jane Austen and Barbara Pym to taking control of my drinking problem to mental illness. I do hope I am sometimes witty, but I may not be. That is why my tag line probably seems rather vague… “I wonder as I wander…”

        And I look forward to getting to know you, too.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you, Pamela!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. So VERY true! I feel the same way!
    Carolyn 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. paolsoren says:

    Ok Pamela. If Lordbeari and ethrobin and Yvonne are here I don’t have ant need to worry. I hereby follow you or actually walk along side of you if you wish.
    And I was just going to post a few photos I took today about iphones.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Yvonne says:

    Thank you for following my blog. I’m in a long hiatus just now!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. ethrobin says:

    110% agree with both of you. I had a grandson come to visit and his whole computer stuff was brought so he could keep in touch with his ‘mates’ in Canada and some other place. But trying to have a normal old fashioned conversation was virtually impossible. His sister reads books and can converse.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Pamela says:

      Yes, the “technology generation” looks at the world entirely differently. I think I’m part of what society terms Generation X…between the “old ways” and modern techno life. But real life is where our moments are, where we find our purpose and our joy. I hope your grandson comes to discover that in his own way. Maybe you can help him…how about proposing that you and he write letters to one another?

      Thank you for your thoughts! It’s good to hear from you.


  8. Reblogged this on LordBeariOfBow and commented:
    Pamela doesn’t post much or often but I think she should,

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I could almost have written this myself. My sentiments entirely; always gives me a boost when I see a small child holding a book, even a comic book, rather than one of those electric things that has taken over.

    I’m lucky that I’m not agoraphobic.

    Liked by 1 person