This moment, Friday afternoon

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elephant journal published another piece I wrote.

Here’s an excerpt from this piece, “What Love Is.”


Love is all good—even the edgy bits.

Real, true, actual love is expansive, lush, and deeply comforting, while a tad restless at the same time.

Love is not romance. We can happen to be in love with a romantic interest, and if they love us back, a relationship can be born.

Love is not the same as… READ MORE HERE


Newest elephant journal piece: The Center is in Me.


Excerpt from “The Center is in Me.” ~ Pamela Mooman, on elephant journal.

Emotional sobriety comes later, after physical withdrawal from alcohol.

Clear sight follows a clear head. Psychosocial temperance comes long after bodily sobriety is achieved, and advancing it and maintaining it require lifelong effort.

At nine months sober, I just resumed a daily Yoga practice, currently done at home. I perform Sun Salutations in the morning, or at the very least…

Me and elephant journal

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The online publication elephant journal has published—and will be publishing—my articles, at least for the next three months.

I’ll update regularly, here at this blog. You also can visit elephant journal online. Browse the site, or search for me by name: Pamela Mooman. You will see a list of articles—those I have written and others I have edited.

Meanwhile, here are links to my elephant journal published pieces. Enjoy!

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